Thursday 31 March 2011

3Ds max lesson 6 Lighting Boolean and making things with Liiines!

To create a line you must 1st select the second icon on the tab as shown to the left, after creating half of your shape go to modify and find lathe, after clicking it you shall get a completed 3D shape as shown below as well. 

 Now lets make a table, after creating your shape from line and lathe, multiply it by holding down the 'SHIFT' key and using the postioning tool 'pull out' a copied object, after this select both by holding 'Ctrl' and selecting both table legs then hold SHIFT pull out 2 more table legs to complete the set.

Now make a box and place it above the legs, copy this box and move it above its self, now shrink its length and width but it crease its thickness/height. now copy this one as well and move it to the side, now move the box hovering over the table into the table itself you can move it so that it goes all the way through or partially. after this select the table, just the table not its legs. now as shown below select 'Compound Objects' and select 'Boolean'. still got the table selected? Yes good now click 'Pick Operand B' then select the box that is within the table and it should dissapear leaving a gap in the table where it was postioned.
  now move the box we made earlier into that space and add wood and a glassy texture to the shapes.

Now lets add light, on the creating tab select the lamp icon then go to standard select Omni and on the 'General Parameters' box tick the 'On' box this will allow shadows to bee seen on a rendered image. now just postion your light and 'Bobs your Uncle' your done.

3Ds max lesson 5 Editable poly

To begin with right click your desired object go down to ' Convert To' and select Editable poly.

This will automaticlay send you to the modify section, the only difference is that you now have several more options. By selecting different modes , as shown below, you can modify your shape in different ways. The 1st one shown here allows you to modify any corner on your shape independitly, as you can see the corners have been played with.
The next selection allows you to move the edges of your shape, below one edge is being moved . By selecting the ' Face' modfier then selecting 'bevel' as shown below you can Pull out or push in the chosen face after clicking once you can then enlarge or shrink the face to.

Once all this has been done if you wish you can smooth out the edges of your shape to give it a refined look. as shown below. To do this you go into the modify options, then you can simply type in M then scroll down to find MeshSmooth, after this has been selected you can change how smooth the object becomes. Its best not to go over three dunno why i was just told that. 

Another modify selection allows you to select a surface instead of the enire object, if you've given your shape segments as shown below, take not that to give your shape segements this has to be altered before the shape is made as shown in the Paramteres section below.
Now using this modify method along with segments allows you to select different faces and as an example add a material without affecting the whole shape.
You could also use some of the methods above to alter it, as shown below using the modify option that allows you to move and alter corners you can move abouth thecorners of each segment.

Friday 25 March 2011

3Ds max Lesson 4 Textures oppacity and other stuff

 Material editor: These spheres represent different materials as you can see the bottom one has had a wood texture added to it.

Below is a full image of the material editor as you can see the sphere here looks slightly see through that's because the opacity has been decreased to give a window effect, it also looks shiny that's because its specular levels and gloss have been increased
To get an imaged attached to a sphere you have to scroll down on the editor till you get to 'maps' open it up and find 'diffuse colour' tick the box next to it then click the 'none' next to it double click 'bitmap' as displayed below then chose the texture you desire.

               This is an example of an object that has used a regular material and opacity.

3Ds max lesson 3 The 4 window views

In 3DS Max there are a basic of four view windows FRONT, TOP, LEFT and PERSPECTIVE.

Now here are some images of these angels with a box in them.

3Ds max lesson 2 Basic shapes

Basic shapes 101  Box  Circle  Cylinder and some others. These are 3 basic shapes that can be made in 3DS Max.  The Table below shows all the others.